The major components, CPU, memory, ssd, display, keyboard, mainboard, power supply, cooling seem to function well and as expected. The cpu (and going with AMD was a major change) has performed well so far.
Now to the more annoying aspects:
- I use the track point buttons exclusively (trackpad clicking is turned off). the left button requires extra physical pressure to function correctly—even then not always does it work.
- The trackpad is not sensitive enough. Even with the sensitivity turned all the way up; it still just ignores some input.
- The trackpad also has the annoying attribute that the mouse will not move if it is accidentally touched with two fingers simultaneously—not a great design attribute.
- The wrist rest plastic and the bottom meet in the front corners in a less secure way (than the T470s). The left hand position causes the plastic to flex and creak (when will it break?).
- The wrist rest corners and edges are too sharp Especially the left, when using the track point left-click mouse button, is very uncomfortable.
- Using the USB C jack for power is not an industrial strength design. It is too small and too flimsy. If the A/C adapter USB C plug gets bumped, even slightly, I am sure it is going to damage the internal USB C jack. The previous rectangular “slim tip” was a much better and more reliable choice.
- I think that this keyboard is “noisier” than the T470s generation.
There you have it.